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sâmbătă, 17 aprilie 2010

Antiaging methods! Increase your physical strength and energy by 50% above normal!


antiaging -Usually there are many factors which acting together quickly get body tired for instance: the fact that we sleep insufficient and abnormal that is to sleep at late hours in the night and the fact that during the day we do not drink enough natural water; however these habits can cause us a general malaise; the permanent fatigue and illness, because the body has not received the generous rest that only after sunset recharges with a maximum of energy and the lack of sufficient water in the body poisons the body cells with the waste that normally must be eliminated.                
The relationship between health and correct respiration is obvious and very important because through the art of correct breathing energy and vital force in the body accumulates, and totally controlling the act of breathing you can get to slow down and stop the body’s biological clock.  
The incomplete breath leaves a substantial fraction of lungs in inactivity and prepares in this way a culture field favorable for bacilli, besieging the weakened tissues and causing damage.
Almost all physical patients have a narrow chest, due to the bad habit of breathing inadequately and thus their chest could not develop enough.The man who breathes completely has a healthy and bulging chest. In general, the use of complete breathe can save man from many diseases.Thus, if the air inspired into the lungs is not enough, the impure stream of toxic blood can not clean itself, and therefore not only the body remains empty of nutritional matter but the harmful product which must be subjected to combustion, returns again in the arteries and poisons the body. The paramount importance of the correct breathing is not difficult to prove.The quality of blood is highly dependent of its complete oxygenation through the lungs. If oxygen is insufficient, it becomes qualitative poor and burdened by different impurities, the body begins to suffer from insufficient nutrition and it often intoxicates itself with decomposed products remaining in the blood.If the blood was not cleaned well in the lungs, then it comes back in the arteries in an abnormal state, insufficiently purified of the harmful elements gathered during its trip back to the heart. These impurities, returning back to the body, will give rise to various diseases.

I remember that one summer we were bathing on the shore of a lake and at a time I saw a moor hen baby wounded on a wing sitting in the water. I said to myself to catch this youngling and to foment his wound and so I went swimming towards him. As I was a very good swimmer at that time and the coot could not fly or swim too fast I thought then that I had all the chances to catch him. But to my surprise the bird was swimming pretty well and whenever I ran swimming to her she was just disappearing entering the water and appearing after about 5 minutes in another place at a very large distance from me.
I could not believe that a poor wounded pond bird had such a performance in keeping the breath, and even I was sad because my sport performances turned pale in front of a poor baby coot. Almost three quarters of hour I have swam at the highest speed hoping to make him tired, but I failed miserably almost every time when being on the point of putting my hand on her, the bird was going down for 5-7 minutes and she was coming out of the water about 150 - 200 meters far from where I was. This was the best lesson in life that I received from the little bird, because her survival instinct is stronger than the fastest swimmer.
If we make an analogy between the lung capacity of the bird and the human lung capacity we realize that if a small bird with so little lungs can withstand holding the breath so much (about 7 minutes) that means that we humans who have lungs ten times bigger than the little bird, by training could arrive at incredible performances, at least bigger than those of this bird.
In fact, these skills are not found on common people because we use only one fourth of the lung capacity by an incorrect breathing, from which appears the incapacity of accumulating vitality through respiration.