5 steps to good health
Want to know the distance from specific diseases cold season? If you observe the tips below you will see that not a mission impossible
Prolonged fight viruses, bacteria and other pathogens that make their appearance more often in winter, tired immune system. In addition, during this period, many of us tend to eat more and more fat, so that the body lacks vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Here are some handy methods to help you to keep the cold away:
1. Rest enough for the immune system, sleep is vital as an incentive and that substances that produce phase regenerare.Aceleasi sleep and stimulates the production of interleucina, one of the strongest arms of the immune system. Also, keep sleeping body weight control, regulates hormones, improves mood and clarity of thought.
2. Eat protein Proteins are the basis of a body and a healthy immune system. Low protein diets tend to be rich in carbohydrates, which leads to increased blood glucose levels, which tires the pancreas and the immune system.
3. Squeeze lemon drink a few drops of lemon juice in water, tea, salad (vinegar instead) or cookies, so you'll be able to maintain a healthy body pH. The blade is ideal food for acid-base rebalance the body. Acidity caused by lemon juice or apple vinegar increases body resistance against infections, while other more acidic medium favors the development of viruses.
4. Take time for Sport Sport is good at all! Remove stress, increases circulation to the brain, helps to produce endorphins (the substance that produces good available) and, moreover, strengthens the immune system. Studies show that sports activity is obviously to increase the number of antibodies for 24 hours.
5. The fight against stress Stress is one of the strongest enemies of the immune system. Under the influence of stress hormones, antibodies reduced the number significantly. Therefore relaxation exercises, long walks, hours of rest and leisure time activities are absolutely necessary if you care about your health.