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sâmbătă, 15 mai 2010

Youth without old

Considering the fact that most living beings from 5 to 8 or adulthood, which in humans is 21 years, we believe that man has a potential life of up to 168 years.
The fact that the older person was registered Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 in southern France, at age 122 years and the oldest man in the world, Moloko Temo of South Africa, is 134 years older by (unproven) and that many people older than 110 years, we proved that is not just a simple statement, but a possible reality. And not to mention that the biblical age, 800 or even 900 years.
Moreover, according to research conducted by specialists in geriatrics, the lowest organ is the kidney, which has a potential life of about 300 years.
Some experts believe that man is so perfect that there is no reason you should ever die.
Among developed countries, the highest average age in the world, 80.1 years in 2005, is in Canada and third world is Mozambique, with a mean age of 40.3 years in 2005.
It is statistically proven that people in developed countries have a longer life with 15 to 20 years than a century ago. A hundred years of French life expectancy reached 49 years until now been almost 84 years for women and 77 for men. U.S. life expectancy in 1900 was about 49 years, while, towards the end of the century rose to 76 years.
Japanese women have kept in 2006, for the 22nd consecutive year, the longest running title in the world with a life expectancy of 85.81 years record. Japanese life expectancy has increased "because there have been very significant progress on the prevention of major causes of mortality in Japan: cancer, heart disease and strokes," said an official of the Ministry of Health Nipon.

here you can find an e-book about stopping aging             http://youthwithoutoldage.blogspot.com/

According to reports the United Nations, Japanese women live the most, followed by women in Hong Kong (84.6 years) and women from Iceland, Spain, France. Icelanders are mostly those who live 79.4 years, followed by men in Hong Kong and Japan with 79 years.

Population known by their longevity and health

Residents of Okinawa

Longeviatetea and fertility of the inhabitants of Okinawa, Japan, researchers have warned the absence of atherosclerosis, the arthrosis, cancer and other degenerative diseases, even in individuals with age. This was attributed to local diet based on plant (cereals, fruits and vegetables) genetic factors, lifestyle and environmental factors.
Generally, residents of Okinawa diet is low in calories by 20% than the average in Japan and is 300% richer in vegetables, particularly sweet potatoes. In addition, a diet low in fat, sugar and grains and the amount consumed is only 25 and 75% of the average in Japan. Eat small quantities of fish and almost no meat, dairy or eggs.

Hunza tribe of Central Asian

To Hunza Valley is located in northern Pakistan near the Chinese border and is surrounded by massive mountains that are among the highest in the world: Hindukus and Karakorum. Amenajatede mountain slopes have been terraced for cultivation by residents in cereals and fruit trees, of which especially caisii.
Geographic isolation of this region has allowed the preservation of natural and healthy life obieceiuri. Long been believed that this unusual longevity is due only to genetic factors, but recent research showed that lifestyle of this population carry a much greater role than genetic inheritance, including plant-based diet, dry and sunny climate and style austere life long exercise.
Toomey and White doctors, specialists cardiologists in North America, they concluded in their study published in American Heart Journal "as hunzasii have a diet based on fresh and dried fruits, nuts, various vegetables and cereals (barley, wheat, millet) . They consume less milk and goat and lamb meat eating only once or twice a year, to celebrate.
After study of 25 people aged between 90 and 110 years, it was found that all had normal blood pressure, cholesterol level and a normal electrocardiogram. Moreover, among people Hunza people are not known cases of illness from cancer, heart disease, diabetes or early disease.
However, in recent years, "benefits" the current civilization have penetrated and there: cans, sweets and refined products by industrial processes, and the Hunza population's health worsened, and they are signaling the first cases of caries and digestive diseases, which were formerly unknown.

Sherpas in Nepal

Sherpas, inhabitants of the steep heights of the Himalayas are known by their great physical strength.
In the autobiographical book "Tigers of Snows" (Tigers snow) of Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, he mentions: "Potatoes are our main food crop and is the sherpas, as it is for Hindus and Chinese rice. Potato varieties that grow in Himalayas grow very high altitude (4500M) and provision for food they provide to remote places "(...) Other foods in our diet are barley (grow to heights of 4000m) and wheat (to a depth of 3000m). From sheep and goats and herds of yaci, sherpas get milk and cheese that complement their diet based on potatoes and cereals. Barely eat meat and sherpas who follow Buddhism shaped entirely by the strict vegetarians. "

Indians otomini

Otomini Indians living on the plateau of central Mexico have a diet based on cereals, corn cakes, beans and other vegetables. Studies show that people in the middle that they enjoy a rare health, cases of obesity, hypertension and cancer are very rare or nonexistent.

Residents of Valley Vilcabamba, Peru in South America

Residents of Valley Vilcabamba, Peru, called "Valley logevitatii" often reach 100 years old. Studies conducted by French researchers showed that diet and lifestyle have a significant contribution to the reputation of longevity these people.

Myths in longevity

The Bible contains many references on longevity, the oldest being Methuselah, who lived 969 years. (Genesis)
Voices are appreciate that this is an error, based on misinterpretation of the lunar cycle, which would lead to a shortening of 12.5 times their age, but this argument can easily be removed by the paragraph in the Bible and Enoch Mahalalel under which such became a father at 65, which would mean at 5 years and 3 months.