Rest and relaxation, that is complete muscles rest, is very different than “sloth and laziness”. On the contrary people who know how to rest well prove to be very energetic and active, they do not consume their energy in vain, their every move being calculated.
To understand the issue of muscle relaxation let us examine firstly the state opposite to relaxation, respectively the muscle contraction, when we want to contract one muscle to produce some particular action, we transmit a pulse towards it ordered by the brain that immediately penetrates the muscle with an additional energy current contracting it.
This energy that puts our muscle and body in motion circulates through the motor nerves arriving to muscles forcing its terminations to approach one to another causing a movement of the member or of the part that we want a move.
Another example: during a fit of anger, the desire to hit the one who has caused us the fit of anger can occur suddenly. Hardly the thought takes shape in our mind, but we do not yet accomplish the action and before the muscles come into, our wisdom sends us a repressive impulse (all these occurring in less than a second), and the contrary game of the muscles retains the action of the first impulse. Both actions – the one that commands and the one that cancels occur with such rapidity, that the mind can not perceive any sensation of movement, but nevertheless under the momentum of the stroke, the muscle just began to tremble, even if the stopping impulse has canceled the previous action and has retained the movement.
In this way the continuous loss of energy and a continuous pressure on the nervous system and muscles occur.
The same happens with every action of the body, either consciously or unconsciously. Each action however, consciously or unconsciously consume an amount of mental energy and if this amount surpasses the reserve usually accumulated in the body, the result will always be that of the weakness and fatigue.
Basically people who come to permanent fatigue lose their physical force of the body leading to the acceleration of the physical decay prematurely aging.
In contrast, those who know this mechanism and consume their energy by appropriate methods can retain their youth beyond the normal limits of the life of modern man.
There are known cases of persons who have passed over 100 years and who were still in power.
Many people who are stressed or have an agitated, irritable and restless character, maintain their nerves in a constant stress and the muscles contract involuntarily losing energy.
In such cases, the body feels after a gradual depletion of vitality, or of the energy inside it.
There is also another form to preserve the vitality and to prevent useless wasting and consistently fatigue of the muscles. This form is almost unknown for most of us. We will clarify the idea, comparing the energy lost by the fast flow of water from a pool, whose tap water is not properly closed; so water drips. The level drops any hour. Same thing happens to many of us through a continuous nervous current, involuntary tensioning the muscles and leading eventually to fatigue and exhaustion. Do understand that this energy loss is manifested in time, every day, drop by drop, until the pool is empty. While during relaxation, the vital energy current drops into muscles.
In the state of relaxation both muscles and nerves are resting and are charged with energy.
Relaxation can be observed at children and animals, except to people nowadays. They are usually distinguished by resistance, power, strength and vitality very different compared to modern man.
The healthy man has a significant amount of energy distributed in all the internal organs of the body, giving a feeling of wellness, cheerfulness and labor force, while others, even young feel a permanent tiredness in your body, they lose their energy and vitality too soon in such a way that due to the lack of vitality the organs suffer not having enough energy to function properly and get ill.
Laziness in front of the TV is not an example of relaxation. Between calm and relaxation, “doing nothing” there is a huge and crucial difference.
Relaxation is a recreation felt in the whole body in the range between the efforts caused by work. To understand how important the state of relaxation, a man who is at rest 15-20 minutes is resting better than the one who is sleeping for 3 hours. Laziness is however a consequence of the internal ailment towards work.
Those who do not know how to understand the law of rest, spend on an average from three to twenty times more energy than it is required to fulfill their work, whether mental or physical.
If you doubt this thing look at the people around you and see how fussy they are, how many unnecessary movements they make, then watch a feline or a cat that lurks hidden near a mouse hole. You will not see any movement or tension in her attitude. It is a wonderful picture of an intense vitality in the state of rest and still ready for action. At a time she runs faster than lightning and catches the prey in a single movement. It is perhaps the most eloquent example of real rest before the action. In fact, you may not be capable of rapidity and effective action if you can not achieve relaxation.
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