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marți, 8 iunie 2010

Best antiaging methods are not always the most expensive!

Nature has endowed us with an extraordinary capacity to absorb energy from food through the act of chewing and insalivations.
The act of chewing liberates this energy crumbling the little particles of food into microscopic bits, transmitting them then to the tongue and mouth in the form of countless pranic atoms.
Each atom of food contains a large part of pranic electrons, and they are eliminated through the process of digestion under the chemical action of some salivary components.
The essence for us is that (natural) nourishment  contains the energy or food much-needed for our body, which we can obtain only by chewing food and through its absorption by the nervous system with the help of nerves of the tongue, mouth and teeth.
Modern man always in a time crisis has distorted the good intentions of nature, eating abnormal that is fast and without chewing the food enough, disturbing in this way the digestion process, making almost impossible the proper functioning of the digestion.
I have seen people that rather “engorge” food in a hurry than eating naturally which leads to illness in time of the digestive organs and intestines, because the bits of food that were not chewed accordingly, burden very much the process of digestion, being hardly digestible no energy from the food can be assimilated, causing abdominal pain, indigestion and other complications.
If you swallow in this way the food only partially chewed and insufficient soaked in saliva, a large amount of it will vanish passing through the body in the form of fermented, rotten paste.
In such cases instead of producing a normal process, the stomach is unable to follow its work, the fermentation phenomenon is produced and the content of the stomach is transformed into a rotten and decomposed mass.
If people could imagine what mold is formed in their stomachs in such cases they would no longer be indifferent when the question of a normal and healthy food is raised.
The fermentation materials remain in the stomach a long time after eating and when other foods are introduced into it, mixing them with the rotten remains, the stomach turns into something similar to a dustbin.
In such conditions, the stomach is seen in the inability to perform its normal functions. Its surface becomes lazy, soft and thin. The glands are stopped and the entire digestive system turns into a useless, ill car. Thus the half-digested food passes into the intestines, infected by the acids produced by fermentation, and as a result, the entire body is intoxicated and badly fed. How can we avoid all these troubles?
Firstly the nature encourages us that every piece of food must be well chewed and soaked with saliva before being swallowed, and the negligence of this fact affects the digestion, which does not occur normally anymore.
The complete chewing is a natural human habit, which human began to neglect after abnormal trends created by civilized life. It is necessary to grind food so that it can be easier to swallow and more saturated with saliva and gastric juice.
The mastication causes salivary secretion, which is one of the conditions necessary for the digestive process. The insalivation of food is a part of the digestion process carried out by saliva, which can not be produced by any of the other digestive juices.
So by chewing slowly, the food is crumbled in tiny pieces allowing the saliva to penetrate them and the gastric juice to accomplish its necessary work .
By this method a larger nutritious amount will be retrieved from food than usually because each piece of food will give the maximum nutritional yield.
You can experience on your own chewing slowly and gently leaving the food to “melt” in your mouth gradually and the most amazing thing is that you will feel the sensation of saturation much faster than in the usual way chewing on half.
I felt this fact in many expeditions through the mountains where we had a limited amount of food, and on every meal we were satiated with little food but chewed a long time a great amount of energy resulted quenching our hunger, we were very surprised because at home we were satiating our stomachs with many foodstuffs producing a malaise and a lack of energy, burdening and making use prematurely of our entire digestive system.
Thus very important is to extract the maximum energy from less food in this way we disburden a lot the activity of the digestive system, preventing the premature ageing of the cells.
Thus you obtain almost two times more energy than in the usual way of chewing the food insufficiently enough.

Do not worry that you will starve, eat little and good rather than a lot and unconscious and getting the body ill with fermented and incompletely digested food.
The specialists predicate positively, that mixing the food and their saturation with saliva is of paramount importance for the entire digestive process. So go back to the habit of chewing food slowly and you will feel the sensations that properly eaten food has to offer, giving to the stomach a food loaded with proteins and of the highest quality.

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