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joi, 15 iulie 2010


                                     Younger body- mind power

Conclusions of an experiment done 30 years ago by psychologist Ellen Langer, but published only now, open the door to fulfilling the dream of science "youth without old age. Ellen Langer has devoted his entire career investigating the power of the mind on health status, conventional medicine is often accused of treating them as if they were separate entities. The experiment consisted of '79 checking bold assumption that if mentally and physically relive old experiences from 20 years ago, their health will improve dramatically.

Elderly group aged 70 and 80 years was taken into a secluded spot, without telling them what to follow. Subjects were divided into two groups: some were kept in normal conditions, others were recreeat conditions in '59. They heard music, saw the TV, they discussed topics that era and even practiced games of the time. Did not provide any facilities for the stairs with handrail to someone to their baggage from the bus, make them clean their rooms or to cook. And no one pressed him to run faster than anything they could do. Were treated with patience and respect. The idea was that they have to fend for themselves as they did when they were 20 years younger. And, confirming suspicions than those of control group, they were doing great. After a week, all measurements showed improve health care. Which confirms that the human mind to think encouraging youthful body will follow and become really younger.