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luni, 31 mai 2010

anti- aging methods



5 steps to good health 
Want to know the distance from specific diseases cold season? If you observe the tips below you will see that not a mission impossible

Prolonged fight viruses, bacteria and other pathogens that make their appearance more often in winter, tired immune system. In addition, during this period, many of us tend to eat more and more fat, so that the body lacks vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Here are some handy methods to help you to keep the cold away:
1. Rest enough for the immune system, sleep is vital as an incentive and that substances that produce phase regenerare.Aceleasi sleep and stimulates the production of interleucina, one of the strongest arms of the immune system. Also, keep sleeping body weight control, regulates hormones, improves mood and clarity of thought.
2. Eat protein Proteins are the basis of a body and a healthy immune system. Low protein diets tend to be rich in carbohydrates, which leads to increased blood glucose levels, which tires the pancreas and the immune system.
3. Squeeze lemon drink a few drops of lemon juice in water, tea, salad (vinegar instead) or cookies, so you'll be able to maintain a healthy body pH. The blade is ideal food for acid-base rebalance the body. Acidity caused by lemon juice or apple vinegar increases body resistance against infections, while other more acidic medium favors the development of viruses.
4. Take time for Sport Sport is good at all! Remove stress, increases circulation to the brain, helps to produce endorphins (the substance that produces good available) and, moreover, strengthens the immune system. Studies show that sports activity is obviously to increase the number of antibodies for 24 hours.
5. The fight against stress Stress is one of the strongest enemies of the immune system. Under the influence of stress hormones, antibodies reduced the number significantly. Therefore relaxation exercises, long walks, hours of rest and leisure time activities are absolutely necessary if you care about your health.

vineri, 28 mai 2010

Anti aging methods!: Acquiring immunity to colds and disease.

Anti aging methods!: Acquiring immunity to colds and disease.

Antiaging-hardening body to colds, flu and disease.Avoid antibiotics when you're cold, you let your body fight the cold.This is the first rule of hardening of the body from cold, because when your body beat yourself cold he acquired immunity high.
Take daily exercise at least 30 minutes outdoors per day and learn abdominal breathing.
Learn deep abdominal breathing, as this method will help to oxygen up to 50% more blood in the body, so you'll always be in shape and not feel tired.
If you are tired, learn to relax for 15 minutes of relaxation saves 2 hours sleep.
Increase body's ability to rest more quickly (faster resting) alternating with relaxation breaks from work so you do not feel tired all day.Always ventilated room where sleep and the sleep time to be 21 hours late.
   Learn to control your thoughts because negative thoughts poison life.
  Avoid excesses because, everything is more or less everything is dangerous''
Eat more vegetables and natural fruits.

Myebook - How to really slow down the aging process! - click here to open my ebook

joi, 27 mai 2010

new methods antiaging

Travel romania: Travel in Romania!


Spring water therapy
Simple and natural! An excellent cure!Pure spring water is the secret elixir of life.Need to drink water is one of the most important vital human needs.Human health depends to a great extent the cleanliness of the stomach.Drink a clean and pure water is a wonderful refreshing for our entire being.Both the body, mind and enjoy our comfort purifying water.
Next:The evening before the process, we will not consume alcoholic beverages or carbonated.
Method:Once we wake up, before going to the bathroom to wash us, we will drink as much as possible in an interval of 5-10 minutes, a quantity of 1 liter to 1.3 liters of pure water or spring waterpayment.
KeywordThen for a time, we will not eat and drink anything else than just a little water.
Duration:Will do likewise, every morning, several days in a row.
Effects:Performed daily, this simple diet may promote healing following conditions:
- After a day of water cure: constipation, headache, cough, bronchitis
- After two days the water cure: stomach pain, hyperacidity, gastritis
- After a week of water cure: uro-genital diseases, rheumatism
- After one month of water cure hypertension, diabetes, cancer in early stages
- After three months of water cure: pulmonary tuberculosis, paralysis, cancer
This therapy has some contraindications in the following cases:
- Hypertension
- Renal Enough
- Heart failure
- Glaucoma
- Edema of any nature
- Increased size of ovarian cysts
- Large uterine fibroids
- Brain tumors
- Bronsiectaziile
- Crohn's disease and hemorrhagic ulcero rectocolita
- Dysentery and cholera
- Acute appendicitis
- Prostate adenoma
- Hypertonic bladder
- Rupture of perineum

duminică, 23 mai 2010

Anti-aging methods!

Anti Aging relaxation


Rest and relaxation, that is complete muscles rest, is very different than “sloth and laziness”. On the contrary people who know how to rest well prove to be very energetic and active, they do not consume their energy in vain, their every move being calculated.
To understand the issue of muscle relaxation let us examine firstly the state opposite to relaxation, respectively the muscle contraction, when we want to contract one muscle to produce some particular action, we transmit a pulse towards it ordered by the brain that immediately penetrates the muscle with an additional energy current contracting it.
This energy that puts our muscle and body in motion circulates through the motor nerves arriving to muscles forcing its terminations to approach one to another causing a movement of the member or of the part that we want a move.
Another example: during a fit of anger, the desire to hit the one who has caused us the fit of anger can occur suddenly. Hardly the thought takes shape in our mind, but we do not yet accomplish the action and before the muscles come into, our wisdom sends us a repressive impulse (all these occurring in less than a second), and the contrary game of the muscles retains the action of the first impulse. Both actions – the one that commands and the one that cancels occur with such rapidity, that the mind can not perceive any sensation of movement, but nevertheless under the momentum of the stroke, the muscle just began to tremble, even if the stopping impulse has canceled the previous action and has retained the movement.
In this way the continuous loss of energy and a continuous pressure on the nervous system and muscles occur.
The same happens with every action of the body, either consciously or unconsciously. Each action however, consciously or unconsciously consume an amount of mental energy and if this amount surpasses the reserve usually accumulated in the body, the result will always be that of the weakness and fatigue.
Basically people who come to permanent fatigue lose their physical force of the body leading to the acceleration of the physical decay prematurely aging.
In contrast, those who know this mechanism and consume their energy by appropriate methods can retain their youth beyond the normal limits of the life of modern man.
There are known cases of persons who have passed over 100 years and who were still in power.
Many people who are stressed or have an agitated, irritable and restless character, maintain their nerves in a constant stress and the muscles contract involuntarily losing energy.
In such cases, the body feels after a gradual depletion of vitality, or of the energy inside it.
There is also another form to preserve the vitality and to prevent useless wasting and consistently fatigue of the muscles. This form is almost unknown for most of us. We will clarify the idea, comparing the energy lost by the fast flow of water from a pool, whose tap water is not properly closed; so water drips. The level drops any hour.  Same thing happens to many of us through a continuous nervous current, involuntary tensioning the muscles and leading eventually to fatigue and exhaustion. Do understand that this energy loss is manifested in time, every day, drop by drop, until the pool is empty. While during relaxation, the vital energy current drops into muscles.
In the state of relaxation both muscles and nerves are resting and are charged with energy.
Relaxation can be observed at children and animals, except to people nowadays. They are usually distinguished by resistance, power, strength and vitality very different compared to modern man.

The healthy man has a significant amount of energy distributed in all the internal organs of the body, giving a feeling of wellness, cheerfulness and labor force, while others, even young feel a permanent tiredness in your body, they lose their energy and vitality too soon in such a way that due to the lack of vitality the organs suffer not having enough energy to function properly and get ill.
Laziness in front of the TV is not an example of relaxation. Between calm and relaxation, “doing nothing” there is a huge and crucial difference.
Relaxation is a recreation felt in the whole body in the range between the efforts caused by work. To understand how important the state of relaxation, a man who is at rest 15-20 minutes is resting better than the one who is sleeping for 3 hours. Laziness is however a consequence of the internal ailment towards work.
Those who do not know how to understand the law of rest, spend on an average from three to twenty times more energy than it is required to fulfill their work, whether mental or physical.
If you doubt this thing look at the people around you and see how fussy they are, how many unnecessary movements they make, then watch a feline or a cat that lurks hidden near a mouse hole. You will not see any movement or tension in her attitude. It is a wonderful picture of an intense vitality in the state of rest and still ready for action. At a time she runs faster than lightning and catches the prey in a single movement. It is perhaps the most eloquent example of real rest before the action. In fact, you may not be capable of rapidity and effective action if you can not achieve relaxation.

Anti-aging methods!


Hunger and appetite are two different manifestations of the human body. Hunger is a normal requirement, but appetite is an abnormal desire to eat. Hunger is similar to the redden cheeks of the healthy child and appetite is the face full of makeup of the modern women.
It is very difficult to explain to the persons who enter adulthood, the difference between the sensations and symptoms of hunger and of appetite, because most of the people have their natural taste and instinctive hunger so perverted of appetite, that over years, they no longer feel the sensation of hunger, forgetting in general what sense it really is.
However, most people use both terms as if they were synonymous. Let us examine in what consists the difference.
For example let us start with thirst. We all know how the feeling of natural healthy thirst expresses, and which determines us do drink cold water.
Natural thirst entirely resembles with natural hunger.
We often happen to hear someone saying that he is dying of thirst or that he has neck burns for a glass the whisky, or beer. If they would really feel natural thirst, these people would first like to have a glass of cold water, given that only cold water could appease their thirst.
However, water will never appease the thirst of those who were accustomed to alcoholic drinks. Why? It is very simple - because they do not feel a natural thirst, but a desire, an appetite, a result of the perverted feeling. Once there is appetite it means that a habit has been created, which requires satisfaction.
The appetite is an exaggerated skill of the feeling of hunger and thirst and has nothing common with real hunger or thirst.
Modern man has adopted the wrong habit of consuming alcohol, tobacco, opium, cocaine and became addicted to them. Some arrive at a stage where they sell the children’s clothes to buy alcohol.
Animals really possess that sense of hunger that man distorts, feeding the children with cookies or other items falsely called food.
Those who go to country side live in the middle of nature, work and do physical effort, discover the true feeling of hunger, eat then with lust, as hungry scholars do, self-intoxicated by a pleasure that they have not tried for many years.
The newspapers wrote once about the sinking of a company of rich man find offshore on a yacht, in a journey of pleasure. They had to live ten concluded days completely hungry on a deserted island. When they were found, they were looking more healthy than before. Rosy-cheeked, with bright eyes and owners of a precious gift - natural hunger. Some of them suffered from several years of dyspepsia, ten days of fast quite healed them. Since they had lived almost starving all this time, all the toxic products from their bodies were eliminated.
If man will begin to cultivate its true hunger and will get rid of appetite, he will feel again the same pleasure for food that he felt during childhood.


The food choice problem is a controversial topic – it is hard to adopt a regime that totally excludes meat, when you used it almost all life. Equally difficult is trying to eat only vegetables, after you got used eating cooked or fried food.
My motto is that all there is too much or too little is dangerous for the body. To try to eat only meat or only vegetables will create an imbalance in the body because we know that meat has not the necessary vitamins and neither the vegetables have high nutritional value.
The midway is the most healthy, the food to be as varied as possible, to stay away from fats, to avoid pork, to eat fish and lots of vegetables, not to fill your stomach with heavy foods and then take pills. Do not refuse fruits in particular, and note that the nature conceived medicinal vegetable having miraculous effects for our body for instance garlic and onion.
It is known that in Christopher Columbus’s last expedition to the sea, nearly all sailors died tortured by diseases, and only one crew remained perfectly healthy, for the sailors had on their boat o load of garlic and ate all that time.

          Anti aging diet 

                          Watermelon diet

  Ever wondered why obesity is so rare in Asia and Africa? Poverty may not be the only answer. Some have suggested that it's partly because people on these continents eat surprisingly large amounts of watermelon. (Watermelon is native to Africa, by the way.)

Besides filling you up with water (a well proven weight-loss strategy), watermelon is so rich in vitamins and minerals that some say it should be stored in your medicine chest. (It won't fit, of course, but that is about to change.) Hence, eating watermelon while you're on a low-calorie diet will help you make sure you get enough of certain key nutrients.

What is the Watermelon Diet?

There is no official Watermelon Diet, but any diet that includes a lot of watermelon will qualify. And any particular watermelon diet will help you lose weight for the same reason any other watermelon diet will: because it replaces part of the volume of your food with water, which contains no calories and yet makes you feel full. (There's a whole new science devoted to this principle; it's called volumetrics.)
How much watermelon is "a lot?" That depends on how fast you want to lose weight. The average American diet contains 150 calories per ounce. Replace three ounces with watermelon at 8 calories per ounce and you save about 426 calories a day—enough to lose 3.7 pounds a month or 44 pounds a year. Double that to six ounces and you'll lose weight at twice the speed.
(For help with the Watermelon Diet, you might try DietPower's award-winning weight-loss and nutrition software. It turns your PC into a "coach" that can guarantee reaching your goal weight on your target date. It also gives you real-time knowledge of your intake of 33 nutrients in 11,000 foodsincluding watermelon. You can download a free no-strings trial of the complete program by clicking here.)
The Watermelon Diet sounds amazingly simple and effective, doesn't it? But wait—it gets even better.

A Super Food

Besides being a wonderful choice for dieters, watermelon is unusually nutritious. Its delectable flesh has no cholesterol and virtually no fat (almost none of which is saturated)—a stellar accomplishment for a food often served as a dessert at picnics.
Your watermelon diet will also give you a lot of potassium and vitamins A, C, and B6. And because watermelon is 92-percent water, it goes a long way toward satisfying your daily H2O requirement.

Move Over, Tomatoes!

Recent research shows yet another marvelous characteristic: Watermelon contains more lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. Lycopene, besides being the red pigment that gives the flesh its color, is an antioxidant known to prevent cancer. Studies have shown that people who get lots of lycopene have a lower risk of prostate, uterine, and esophageal tumors.
Tomatoes have received the lion's share of attention when it comes to lycopene, even though a one-cup serving contains far less (4 milligrams vs. 9) than a one-cup serving of watermelon does.
Watermelon is also listed by the American Heart Association as a top food for cardiovascular health.
"Watermelon is practically a multivitamin unto itself," says Samantha Winters, a spokeswoman for the National Watermelon Promotion Board.
For all of these reasons—and because it's a rare individual who doesn't love a ripe, red, juicy wedge of watermelon—DietPower long ago declared this miracle fruit one of "The 10 Best Foods."

But Wait, There's More!

This just in: A researcher at Texas A&M University reports that watermelon may have a Viagra-like effect on men.
Watermelon contains citrulline, an amino acid that dilates blood vessels in the same way as drugs for treating erectile dysfunction. Scientists have known about the citrulline for years, but until recently they thought most of it was in the rind. Now they've discovered that the flesh contains more than previously thought.
This doesn't mean that eating watermelon will produce an erection, since the amount of citrulline is still relatively low. But it probably can't hurt. And if you eat the rind, too.... (Watermelon pickles, anyone?)
For deeper insight into this potential benefit, click here.

A Work in Progress

Watermelon isn't perfect. One big problem if you're on a watermelon diet is the fruit's bulkiness. Another is telling when a watermelon is ripe.
If you've ever had a watermelon roll off the kitchen counter when you weren't watching, you'll appreciate this news: the Japanese have created a cube-shaped watermelon. (Click here to see it.)
Meanwhile, American growers are making watermelons smaller and smaller. In part, this stems (no pun intended) from the craze to make watermelons seedless. Melons without seeds are smaller and rounder than their seedy cousins.
The technology for growing seedless melons has been around for half a century, but popular for only the last 20 years or so, says Warren Roberts, a watermelon expert and an associate professor of horticulture at Oklahoma State University. Today, one-third to one-half of all watermelons sold in the United States are seedless, and in California the rate is seven in eight.
The melon miniaturist movement continues. In California, one of the leading producers of watermelons (Florida is the biggest), stores will soon be stocked with melons the size of cantaloupes. "As family size decreases, consumers want something smaller," says Dana Abercrombie, director of the California-Arizona Watermelon Association.
The "personal" watermelon will weigh about two or three pounds. It should be perfect for folks on a watermelon diet. "It's just a one-meal melon," Abercrombie says "—something you can cut in half and say, 'Here, Honey, you eat this.'"

Is That Melon Ripe?

Until the tiny melon gets a foothold, watermelon dieters will have to keep looking for the best larger ones. But how do you tell when a watermelon is ripe?
Most experts agree you should start with the color of the rind. It should be a dull green, depending on the variety—but more importantly, the side that has lain on the ground during ripening should be creamy yellow. If it's white, it's not ripe.
Another major clue is the vine. If a stem is still attached, it should be brown. If it's green, put the melon back.
Its density should also give it away. "You should pick it up and say, 'Oh, that's heavier than I thought it should be,'" says Abercrombie. Heaviness means the melon has absorbed a goodly amount of water.

Kicking the Tires

There is no consensus about the "thump" test. Abercrombie recommends slapping with the palm of your hand, not your knuckle. "You should hear a hollow, reverberating sound, like in a basketball." If the melon pings, it's not ripe, she says.
Many people swear by the acoustic method, but others say it's like kicking the tires on a car. "It makes you feel good when you do it, but you don't know what it will accomplish," says Roberts, the Oklahoma State expert. Only an experienced ear can tell the difference, he says.
"A lot of people talk about that, but they can't really tell you what they're listening for," says Winters of the national board. If you're not sure, you can always ask the grocer to cut it for you.
Once you have the melon home, it will keep at room temperature for two to three weeks. (Even a big one won't have to last that long if you're on a watermelon diet, however.) After you've cut into a melon, of course, it needs to go in the fridge. Or you can take care of it the way Roberts does. "I like to cut it open, eat the heart out, and then go on to another melon."

Amaizing romania

Travel romania: Travel in Romania!

Hunger and appetite are two different manifestations of the human body. Hunger is a normal requirement, but appetite is an abnormal desire to eat. Hunger is similar to the redden cheeks of the healthy child and appetite is the face full of makeup of the modern women.
It is very difficult to explain to the persons who enter adulthood, the difference between the sensations and symptoms of hunger and of appetite, because most of the people have their natural taste and instinctive hunger so perverted of appetite, that over years, they no longer feel the sensation of hunger, forgetting in general what sense it really is.
However, most people use both terms as if they were synonymous. Let us examine in what consists the difference.
For example let us start with thirst. We all know how the feeling of natural healthy thirst expresses, and which determines us do drink cold water.
Natural thirst entirely resembles with natural hunger.
We often happen to hear someone saying that he is dying of thirst or that he has neck burns for a glass the whisky, or beer. If they would really feel natural thirst, these people would first like to have a glass of cold water, given that only cold water could appease their thirst.
However, water will never appease the thirst of those who were accustomed to alcoholic drinks. Why? It is very simple - because they do not feel a natural thirst, but a desire, an appetite, a result of the perverted feeling. Once there is appetite it means that a habit has been created, which requires satisfaction.
The appetite is an exaggerated skill of the feeling of hunger and thirst and has nothing common with real hunger or thirst.
Modern man has adopted the wrong habit of consuming alcohol, tobacco, opium, cocaine and became addicted to them. Some arrive at a stage where they sell the children’s clothes to buy alcohol.
Animals really possess that sense of hunger that man distorts, feeding the children with cookies or other items falsely called food.
Those who go to country side live in the middle of nature, work and do physical effort, discover the true feeling of hunger, eat then with lust, as hungry scholars do, self-intoxicated by a pleasure that they have not tried for many years.
The newspapers wrote once about the sinking of a company of rich man find offshore on a yacht, in a journey of pleasure. They had to live ten concluded days completely hungry on a deserted island. When they were found, they were looking more healthy than before. Rosy-cheeked, with bright eyes and owners of a precious gift - natural hunger. Some of them suffered from several years of dyspepsia, ten days of fast quite healed them. Since they had lived almost starving all this time, all the toxic products from their bodies were eliminated.
If man will begin to cultivate its true hunger and will get rid of appetite, he will feel again the same pleasure for food that he felt during childhood.


The food choice problem is a controversial topic – it is hard to adopt a regime that totally excludes meat, when you used it almost all life. Equally difficult is trying to eat only vegetables, after you got used eating cooked or fried food.
My motto is that all there is too much or too little is dangerous for the body. To try to eat only meat or only vegetables will create an imbalance in the body because we know that meat has not the necessary vitamins and neither the vegetables have high nutritional value.
The midway is the most healthy, the food to be as varied as possible, to stay away from fats, to avoid pork, to eat fish and lots of vegetables, not to fill your stomach with heavy foods and then take pills. Do not refuse fruits in particular, and note that the nature conceived medicinal vegetable having miraculous effects for our body for instance garlic and onion.
It is known that in Christopher Columbus’s last expedition to the sea, nearly all sailors died tortured by diseases, and only one crew remained perfectly healthy, for the sailors had on their boat o load of garlic and ate all that time.


duminică, 16 mai 2010

living water stops aging!

 Henri Coanda and water of life                                                           Henri Coanda si apa vietii

An epochal discovery in the field of nutrition!. Henri Coanda and water of life.
Secret of youth without old age "was elucidated
Shortly before dying, Henri Coanda has unveiled a younger brother, American great discovery of his life "living water" A great water, with a huge potential human health, the Roman scholar looking to traveling in different geographical areas world, populated by people who lived over 100 years. Their age secret was simple: drink water that came from glaciers. Make sure that they can be recreated in the laboratory, the Roman scholar entrusted this mission scientific assistant, Patrick Flanagan, who
after working for 30 years, deployed with his wife, managed to create two identical products except water glacier, Hunza in Pakistan (one of the areas visited by the Coanda). So were born the Active-H and Crystal Energy, the second "miracle ingredients" that ensure eternal youth.Listen to the story, found even their creator
On the trail centenary
Dr. Henri Coanda (1886-1972), Nobel laureate, renowned inventor, considered the father of fluid dynamics ("Coanda Effect"), invited me to her shortly after the age of 80 years (he was still in a shape great) in his office and told me: "I have a project I've worked all my lifetime, and I could not believe it to finish. I want you entrust it to you, in order to continue research" At first glance, seem bizarre theme: "Youth without old age, a problem that I dedicate my entire life, trying to find an effective solution. In this purpose, the scientist has visited five different regions on the planet, renowned for longevity of their inhabitants, who live over 100 years, enjoying excellent health, no cancer, no tooth decay and can have children even in very aged filed .These regions of the world were Country Hunza in northern Pakistan, Vilcambamba Ecuador, a mountain valley in Georgia, one in Mongolia and another in Peru. The inhabitants of these lands have a different diet, but as we all drink the same water: water from the glacier, with a structure totally different from tap water.
Story snowflakes
As an expert in fluid, Henri Coanda found that snowflakes are alive. They have a circulatory system like living things, consisting of small arteries, like branches, which circulate water.Water freezes out, but continue to circulate inside. He found that at temperatures below 0gr.C when snowflakes are formed, their life takes as long as water flows through the arteries, and as this slow movement, snowflakes freeze and die. Based on this phenomenon, the scientist found snowflakes as living beings. He looked at life snowflakes in different areas of the planet and made vital discoveries during his travels, with practical consequences. After five years of research, able to predict the average length of life of people, from anywhere in the world simply by establishing water quality! It was the "secret" that I let him and that legacy was to untie him. He then handed his research results, and exceptional characteristics of the waters of the five regions visited and, admitting he has no clue about the cause that makes them so special, he figured that a good day I will find "a car" to produce a water as miraculous as that of the country Hunza.
Glacier Blue

So I started looking for more than 30 years, to give answer to this question, the issue of Dr. Coanda. I received a sample from him and Hunza water, 40 years old. Hunza to reach the country, the early century. Xx, were needed about three months, and very serious dangers confronting. Henri Coanda explained that the water originates from a glacier blue for thousands of years. Noisy waters of which it wet valley, are actually due to excellent health of the natives, and their longevity. Are living waters, come just like snowflakes. They drink this water, with a very milk because it contains minerals, while the visitors, who considered it too turbid water to drink, have a clear water fountain, carved in the middle of the valley. Pakistanis would never drink this water, being aware that glacier water is much healthier. Microcluster Determined to unravel the "mystery" living water, I began researching, trying all sorts of experiments (energy fields), even we managed to get water with the same great features, but when the fluid moves, they disappear and the water was for to its previous state. While originally from Country Hunza water, though it was 40 years old, did not change its properties at all, even a shake, boil or freeze, or do other things with it. Why keep their properties unaltered Hunza water? Eventually, I discovered that a mineral water very low, similar to ball (2000 times smaller than a red globule), which possesses a high electrical potential (called the Zeta potential), with a negative charge, so which attract hydrogen, liquid crystalline structure resulting in the final.Meanwhile, the studies have been done lately, we know that water body, water around the cells and proteins around in cells, shows an elevated crystalline structure. If you drink regular water from the network, which does not have a crystal structure (water "amorphous"), our body has to turn this water into a water "living" biological, crystalline structure. Hunza water already has this structure, meaning that when people drink water already ingest biological characteristics of all the body needs to live.
The elixir of youth - Crystal Energy
Dr. Alexis Carrel received the Nobel Prize because he managed to maintain chicken heart alive for 37 years. He said that the secret of life lies in proper nutrition of the cell and toxins, and if it stops for one reason or another, the cell will die intoxicated with its own waste. Because toxins can leave cells and nutrition can penetrate them, it is very important for cells to be in very close contact with water. After 30 years of research, and after I married my wife, Gael, experiment with a post I held for 40 days with orange juice, after which I continued for six months, with a post only liquids. Meanwhile, our minds became incredibly clear, and exactly at this time, we managed to successfully synthesize the mineral that is found in Hunza water. The product developed was called Crystal Energy. I immediately began drinking it and people began to say: "Mom, look beautiful, much younger than 15 years ago when I last saw you." Once I gave each month, thousands of bottles of this product with our friends, we started because of demand, market them ourselves. A drop of Crystal Energy in 30 ml of water or a teaspoon full of purified water to 3.8 liters (mineral water or distilled) is able to establish intimate connections with cell membrane. You can drink tons of water running from the network, but if one lacks micronutrients to turn into "living water" can lead to dehydration at the cellular level! Drunk water can pass through the body without really moisturize, and we think if we had enough, we are certainly healthy! Dried cells go into a catabolic state (dezasimilatie and decrease), which means that the body begins to consume its own cells and tissues, almost self destructive. This explains the emergence of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, etc.. For this reason, water is the most important thing we can offer our body, but only one really good drinking water will lead to health and long life. This is the secret of Hunza water. Meanwhile, we got on with Crystal Energy. Now have so-called technology Microcluster (Microcluster Technology). Take mineral uscam them and make them powder, a powder with unusual characteristics. When we mixed powder with various foods and nutrients Microcluster, we significantly increased their absorption. Generally, food absorbed in the digestive system that works well is approximately one third of the total food intake. This means that if you swallow 1 g Vit. C, only 300 mg will be absorbed by the body, the remaining 700 mg will be eliminated through the digestive tract. Microcluster mixing powder with vitamin C absorption efficiency reaches 100%. After I mixed all the nutrients it possible Microcluster powder, absorbing all cases reached 100%. That can be measured very simply and I must say that surprised us and us, the way out. Initially, my wife, Gael, I gave Microhydrin product name or Active-H, but later I improved, and he is currently distributed by the company "New Vision" in America and partner firm "Generation of Health ( Goh) in Europe under the name Megahydrin, and now under the name of Active-H. (The form of distribution is Multi Level Marketing (MLM), anyone can become a partner-distributor - Note trad.). After all these years, I think the most important discovery in my life, rather Gael's and mine, is the Active-H. It is incredible what effect can have to prove that anyone feels the energy immediately. The Energy Crystal cells are fully hydrated, the body uses water from the tank. Me and my wife, Gael, drink purified water, combined with Crystal Energy, and take extra magnesium as a gram per day (this leads to bone calcium, an essential phenomenon, especially in old age).
Personal experiences

Roman scholar and "disciple" or American
One day looking out the window at a beautiful landscape, at which point another sliding window closed and my hand got to support me. When I hit it, the finger was caught between the windows was already almost black and swollen and a large blood blister was forming. I took two capsules immediately by Active-H, an hour later I got another two, and after another 2 hours and next morning everything was gone, blood blister, blue and black colors, everything was normal, which actually was very surprising, because I once something happened, unfortunately without Active-H ... 


sâmbătă, 15 mai 2010

Youth without old

Considering the fact that most living beings from 5 to 8 or adulthood, which in humans is 21 years, we believe that man has a potential life of up to 168 years.
The fact that the older person was registered Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 in southern France, at age 122 years and the oldest man in the world, Moloko Temo of South Africa, is 134 years older by (unproven) and that many people older than 110 years, we proved that is not just a simple statement, but a possible reality. And not to mention that the biblical age, 800 or even 900 years.
Moreover, according to research conducted by specialists in geriatrics, the lowest organ is the kidney, which has a potential life of about 300 years.
Some experts believe that man is so perfect that there is no reason you should ever die.
Among developed countries, the highest average age in the world, 80.1 years in 2005, is in Canada and third world is Mozambique, with a mean age of 40.3 years in 2005.
It is statistically proven that people in developed countries have a longer life with 15 to 20 years than a century ago. A hundred years of French life expectancy reached 49 years until now been almost 84 years for women and 77 for men. U.S. life expectancy in 1900 was about 49 years, while, towards the end of the century rose to 76 years.
Japanese women have kept in 2006, for the 22nd consecutive year, the longest running title in the world with a life expectancy of 85.81 years record. Japanese life expectancy has increased "because there have been very significant progress on the prevention of major causes of mortality in Japan: cancer, heart disease and strokes," said an official of the Ministry of Health Nipon.

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According to reports the United Nations, Japanese women live the most, followed by women in Hong Kong (84.6 years) and women from Iceland, Spain, France. Icelanders are mostly those who live 79.4 years, followed by men in Hong Kong and Japan with 79 years.

Population known by their longevity and health

Residents of Okinawa

Longeviatetea and fertility of the inhabitants of Okinawa, Japan, researchers have warned the absence of atherosclerosis, the arthrosis, cancer and other degenerative diseases, even in individuals with age. This was attributed to local diet based on plant (cereals, fruits and vegetables) genetic factors, lifestyle and environmental factors.
Generally, residents of Okinawa diet is low in calories by 20% than the average in Japan and is 300% richer in vegetables, particularly sweet potatoes. In addition, a diet low in fat, sugar and grains and the amount consumed is only 25 and 75% of the average in Japan. Eat small quantities of fish and almost no meat, dairy or eggs.

Hunza tribe of Central Asian

To Hunza Valley is located in northern Pakistan near the Chinese border and is surrounded by massive mountains that are among the highest in the world: Hindukus and Karakorum. Amenajatede mountain slopes have been terraced for cultivation by residents in cereals and fruit trees, of which especially caisii.
Geographic isolation of this region has allowed the preservation of natural and healthy life obieceiuri. Long been believed that this unusual longevity is due only to genetic factors, but recent research showed that lifestyle of this population carry a much greater role than genetic inheritance, including plant-based diet, dry and sunny climate and style austere life long exercise.
Toomey and White doctors, specialists cardiologists in North America, they concluded in their study published in American Heart Journal "as hunzasii have a diet based on fresh and dried fruits, nuts, various vegetables and cereals (barley, wheat, millet) . They consume less milk and goat and lamb meat eating only once or twice a year, to celebrate.
After study of 25 people aged between 90 and 110 years, it was found that all had normal blood pressure, cholesterol level and a normal electrocardiogram. Moreover, among people Hunza people are not known cases of illness from cancer, heart disease, diabetes or early disease.
However, in recent years, "benefits" the current civilization have penetrated and there: cans, sweets and refined products by industrial processes, and the Hunza population's health worsened, and they are signaling the first cases of caries and digestive diseases, which were formerly unknown.

Sherpas in Nepal

Sherpas, inhabitants of the steep heights of the Himalayas are known by their great physical strength.
In the autobiographical book "Tigers of Snows" (Tigers snow) of Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, he mentions: "Potatoes are our main food crop and is the sherpas, as it is for Hindus and Chinese rice. Potato varieties that grow in Himalayas grow very high altitude (4500M) and provision for food they provide to remote places "(...) Other foods in our diet are barley (grow to heights of 4000m) and wheat (to a depth of 3000m). From sheep and goats and herds of yaci, sherpas get milk and cheese that complement their diet based on potatoes and cereals. Barely eat meat and sherpas who follow Buddhism shaped entirely by the strict vegetarians. "

Indians otomini

Otomini Indians living on the plateau of central Mexico have a diet based on cereals, corn cakes, beans and other vegetables. Studies show that people in the middle that they enjoy a rare health, cases of obesity, hypertension and cancer are very rare or nonexistent.

Residents of Valley Vilcabamba, Peru in South America

Residents of Valley Vilcabamba, Peru, called "Valley logevitatii" often reach 100 years old. Studies conducted by French researchers showed that diet and lifestyle have a significant contribution to the reputation of longevity these people.

Myths in longevity

The Bible contains many references on longevity, the oldest being Methuselah, who lived 969 years. (Genesis)
Voices are appreciate that this is an error, based on misinterpretation of the lunar cycle, which would lead to a shortening of 12.5 times their age, but this argument can easily be removed by the paragraph in the Bible and Enoch Mahalalel under which such became a father at 65, which would mean at 5 years and 3 months.