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marți, 1 iunie 2010

anti aging methods!

anti aging natural methods!

We shall talk about the need of inspiring fresh air. Some people have the bad habit of staying in tightly closed places, deprived of the necessary ventilation. Lungs continually expire the destroyed materials and the waste in the body and the inspiration meets the garbage man’s role, bringing from all the parts of the body damaged, needless substances. The substances removed through the lungs are almost as damaging as the substances removed through the skin, kidneys, intestines. If the volume of water that the body receives is not sufficient, the nature forces the lungs to take the work of the kidneys, in order to release the body of harmful and toxic materials, and if the intestines do not eliminate the normal quantity of residues, a great deal of them, remained in the colon, is gradually absorbed into the body, and looking for a way out they arrive to the lungs to be expired in the same time with the expiration of the air.
If you enter a hermetic chamber, within one hour you release into the atmosphere about 30 liters of carbonic acid and other toxic gases, and if two people sleep around 46 liters. As the air is contaminated, you inspire again these toxic substances, introducing them into the body, the air becomes increasingly unbreathable with each expiration. Do not be surprised if someone entering your room in the morning, is struck by the bad smell, almost unbearable, which is in the room. Do not be surprised that after a night spent in such a room you will feel angry, tired, unbalanced and generally with a low mood.
Overnight sleep quality depends very much on the air quality in the room. I personally found this when got I used to sleep with the window open in the room even in winter, in the morning I was in “the best shape”, that is very relaxed, because the breath during sleep accumulates much more energy than the impure air. Because of the impure air in many rooms many get up in the morning tired and experiencing headaches.
In the room crammed with that heavy smell, that all I felt in the badly ventilated dormitories, it is possible to sleep only before aired and fill with fresh air. The air in the bedroom should be almost as fresh as the air outside. Do not fear that you will catch a cold. Remember that to cure tuberculosis the patient is advised always to stay in fresh air, day and night, no matter how cold it is. Cover yourself with more blankets and you will no longer feel the cold as soon as you get used to it.
Fresh air and the current are not one and the same. Of course in winter it is not advised to let too much cold air enter the house, because the temperature would diminish in a disturbing way. Open the windows from time to time and let the air to move freely from outside to inside. Go out to fresh air for a short time each day, it is full of life and health-giving qualities.

Myebook - How to really slow down the aging process! - click here to open my ebook

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